논문성과 조회

홈>정보공개>논문성과 조회

  • 총 글수 : 1805   페이지 : 1/181
2023  Evolutionary Dynamic of HA Gene of Swine H1N2 Influenza Viru... 국내비SCIGo-Eun Shin
2023  High resolution image library for identification of plant qu... 국내비SCI손석영
2023  Sustained SARS-CoV-2 antibody response in domestic pets: Ins... 국내비SCIYeonsu Oh
2023  Development of a blocking ELISA method for detection of Geta... 국내비SCI양동군
2023  Evaluation of hemagglutination inhibition test for canine re... 국내비SCI현이상
2023  Development of a Novel Korean H9-Specific rRT-PCR Assay and... 국외SCI강용명
2023  Molecular Characterization of Porcine Reproductive and Respi... 국외SCIMin-A Lee
2023  Whole Genome Sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 in Cats and Dogs in So... 국외SCIShin, Yeun-Kyung
2023  Comparative Pharmacokinetics and Bioequivalence of Pour-On I... 국외SCIJeongWoo Kang
2023  Tracking the contamination sources of microbial population a... 국외SCIJiyeon Jeong

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